An C++ implementaiton of the i3 IPC
 All Classes Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Modules
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cbar_config_tA bar configuration
 Cbinding_tA binding
 Cbuf_tI3 IPC message buffer
 CconnectionConnection to the i3
 Ccontainer_tA node of tree of windows
 Ceof_errorSocket return EOF, but expected a data
 Cerrno_errorIf any error occured, while using C-functions
 Cheader_tI3 IPC header
 Cinvalid_header_errorSomething wrong in message header (wrong magic number, message type etc.)
 Cinvalid_reply_payload_errorIf something wrong in a payload of i3's reply
 Cipc_errorBase class of i3 IPC errors
 Coutput_tI3's output
 Crect_tPrimitive of rectangle
 Cversion_tVersion of i3
 Cwindow_event_tA window event
 Cworkspace_event_tA workspace event
 Cworkspace_tI3's workspace